Working Together

Working Together on SDGs/ESG Measures

Working Together on SDGs/ESG Measures

We often hear company representatives say “I don’t know where to start” in response to accelerated initiatives on the SDGs and rising ESG investment. We make proposals according to your situation starting with what it is possible to do.


Initiative toward Carbon Neutrality

Introduction of Recycled Carpet Tiles

The recycled carpet tiles produced with the materials we supply have a high recycled material usage rate of more than 80%. You can contribute to reducing the use of natural resources and CO2 emissions just by introducing recycled carpet tiles into offices in place of existing ones. This means you can easily make the first step toward compliance with the SDGs and ESG.


Realization of Carbon Neutrality and Marine Plastic Pollution Initiatives

Use of REAMIDE Recycled Nylon Resin

You can comply with the SDGs/ESG in your main business by developing products using our REAMIDE recycled nylon resin. REAMIDE is made from raw material regenerated from discarded fishing nets. Therefore, you can not only reduce the use of natural resources and CO2 emissions, but also contribute to addressing the growing marine plastic waste problem.


Conversion of Industrial Waste into Resources

We provide support from the intermediate processing of industrial waste to the construction of a scheme to convert waste into resources that leads to thermal recycling, chemical recycling and material recycling. We do this based on our expertise in converting industrial waste into resources that we have built up over our history.