
Working Together

Working Together to Reduce Costs

Working Together to Reduce Costs

With the Strengthening of import restrictions in various countries means it is now more difficult to export waste. Therefore, because it cannot be exported, there is a necessity to process it in Japan. That will lead to a steep increase in waste processing costs in the future. We provide consulting on waste processing starting with the process in which it is generated. We then make proposals to you on ways to reduce waste processing costs and even more advanced recycling. We also help you to put that into practice.

Waste processing supply chain
Transformation into a supply chain that supplies resources

Reduction ofIntermediateProcessing Costs

We provide support so you can complete intermediate processing in-house by supplying crushing and compression equipment.

ProcessedWaste Soldas Valuables

We propose a scheme in which intermediately processed waste materials are reused and sold as recycled resources.