Terms of Use

Copyright and Trademark Rights

All the information contained in this Website, including but not limited to trademarks and logos, are protected by the Copyright Act, trademark rights, conventions, and other laws of the relevant country.You may not use (reproduce, transmit, distribute, modify, sell, publish, misappropriate or display, etc.) this information without our prior consent, with the exception of private and personal use within the limitations explicitly permitted by law.

Links to This Website

If you would like to establish a link to this website, please do so to the top page, as the URLs of other pages may change or the page removed without notice. We do not accept links from website that we consider to be damaging to our business or reputation. This includes websites that slander individuals or groups, or websites that violate public order and morals.
We accept no liability for the content of websites linked to this website.


We have prepared some contents using JavaScript on this website.
You can choose to enable or disable JavaScript with your browser settings. However, we recommend that you enable JavaScript to be able to use all the contents.


We use the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encrypted communication function on this website to improve the security level. We use the SHA-2 algorithm with even greater security for the sever certificate used when using Internet encrypted communications (SSL/TLS). However, if you use some PCs and mobile phones (feature phones) which do not support the SHA-2 method, you may not be able to view the screen of sites which perform encrypted communications.

Handling of Personal Information on This Website

◆Acquisition and Use of Personal Information

We may ask you to provide personal information to the extent necessary on this website such as when you request materials or make inquiries to our group. In principle, we will not disclose that personal information to third parties without your permission.

◆Use of Cookies

We use cookies in some of the services on this website for more convenient browsing. Cookies do not collect information that can identify individuals unless you input your own personal information even though they may recognize your computer or browser. If you do not wish to use cookies, you can disable them with the settings on your browser. The method of doing this varies depending on the browser. Please refer to the help of your browser.


We cannot promise to update or correct all the information we provide on this website in a timely and appropriate manner. Please also note that we accept no liability for damages arising from the use of this website.
We reserve the right to change the contents we have posted on this website and the contents of the products and services we have described here at any time without notice.
In addition, we reserve the right to revise the contents we have posted in these Terms of Use without notice. Accordingly, please refer to this page as appropriate for the latest contents.

Governing law

The use of this website and the interpretation and application of these terms of use are governed by the laws of Japan unless otherwise stated.

Inquiries about This Page

Any questions regarding the content of this page should be sent to:

Corporate Planning Department, REFINVERSE Group, Inc.

TEL : 03-6281-4879