Products, Services and R&D

Our Services


Industrial Waste Processing

From Waste Collection, Transportation and Intermediate Processing to Processing Cost Reduction Support

Our subsidiary GMS, Inc. offers customers an integrated service from collection, transportation to intermediate processing of industrial waste generated in demolition work and business activities. It is also capable of providing expertise and equipment for you to complete intermediate processing in-house on request.



Widely Support Initiatives of Customers Including Conversion of Waste to Resources and Materials, and Development of Applications for Recycled Materials

We accompany and support various initiatives, such as SDGs/ESG measures and creation of the circular economy, by our customers. We do this based on our proven expertise in every area of the recycling business.


Case Study

Establishment of a Local Production for Local Consumption Model

Hokkaido has the greatest catch of fish in Japan. It also has many discarded fishing nets that are the raw material of REAMIDE. We allow the manufacture of REAMIDE from those fishing nets by providing our technology in partnership with Suzuki Shokai – a company proactive in contributing to society through recycling in the prefecture. This realizes even more efficient use of discarded fishing nets. It also reduces CO2 emissions that occur during transportation.