Products, Services and R&D


Pursuit of Technologies That Support the Circular Economy

Advanced processing technologies are must-haves to convert waste plastic into high-quality recycled materials. We will independently develop high-efficiency, low-cost technologies to convert waste plastic into materials that minimize the energy required for manufacturing. This will allow us to continue in the future to produce high-quality recycled materials from building materials, synthetic fiber products, composite resin products and other waste plastic.

Cutting and Crushing Technology

We cut and crush fiber waste materials and fiber composite materials that were once disposed of as difficult-to-process materials into a shape suitable to be converted into materials with our own cutting technology.

Separation Technology

We separate composite materials with a high degree of precision using our unique technology to produce high-quality recycled materials with few impurities.

Compounding Technology

We are developing applications of recycled materials and improving the recycling rate by combining the recycled materials we manufacture to suit the requirements of our customers.

Main Development Sites
Innovation Center (RIVC)