Realization of the
Circular Economy

What Is True Sustainability?

Misunderstandings about Sustainability

The word of “sustainability” is now becoming commonplace in corporate activities. Nevertheless, the understanding and definition of sustainability are still mixed. For example, many people perceive sustainability to be like a volunteer activity: something that contributes to society, but does not produce corporate profits. Meanwhile, others see it as an obligation that should be fulfilled by paying the necessary costs.

However, sustainability is not simply about internalizing costs that have been externalized to society and the planet. You may have to give up sustainability initiatives if you experience a decline in revenue. It is vital to stay sustainable and profitable as a business.


Importance of the Circular Economy

Establishing the circular economy is the key to ensuring the compatibility of sustainability initiatives and the pursuit of profit. The conventional 3R (reduce, reuse and recycle) economy is an initiative to reduce the use of natural resources and the discharge of waste. In contrast to this, the circular economy is truly the way the economy should be to circulate goods and resources in a circular form.

If you can build this circular business model, corporate activities and sustainability can be compatible without inconsistency.


Execution Resources Are the Key

Creating plans and schemes is important for realizing sustainability and the circular economy. However, just as important, is whether there is the equipment, technology and network to fulfill those plans. Not many companies can build an overall scheme while providing such execution resources.