About Our Group

Message from the President

Today, as environmental pollution and climate change problems continue to worsen, sustainability has become a theme that everyone should consider. The circular economy in particular is attracting attention in the field of sustainability from economic aspects.

We put the circular economy into practice at an extremely early stage in the early 2000s. We collect used carpet tiles which were previously discarded and buried in large volumes in urban areas. We then recycle those tiles into plastic materials with our own technologies and supply them to manufacturers to be produced and sold as carpet tiles again. This is truly the realization of a circular supply chain.

Our expertise accumulated over more than 20 years is already being utilized in the development of new recycled materials and their use. In addition, our expertise has gained the attention of manufacturers as a way to realize the circular economy. This has led to numerous collaborations.

Sustainability initiatives are not a “cost”; rather they are a means to produce new wealth. We would like to lead the transformation to a recycling-oriented society as a trailblazer in this field.

Akira Ochi, President & CEO