About Our Group

Business Domains

As a Manufacturer of Recycled Materials

We are a manufacturer that produces recycled plastic materials from used plastic waste. We produce extremely high-quality materials with our advanced processing technologies unlike any other in the world. That’s why many manufacturers have adopted them.

Implementation from the First Mile

Nevertheless, we are not just a recycled material manufacturer. We also perform industrial waste collection, transportation, intermediate processing and other processes in-house. We are able to build a one-stop circular business flow by pinning down the first mile that is the phase in which recycling resources are generated. In fact, we have already achieved the creation of the circular economy in specific fields.

Taking the Lead in the Transformation to a Recycling-oriented Society

In addition, we support the creation of schemes to turn waste into new value. We do this by providing our partners with the expertise we have built up since our foundation. Our mission is to take the lead in the transformation to a recycling-oriented society through these solution businesses.

Conversion of Waste into Materials

We produce high-quality recycled materials with our own processing technologies that suit the characteristics of waste. Our separation technology is of particular importance. We are pursuing new reusability of unused waste in addition to further improving the quality of materials. We can achieve this thanks to the accumulation of our expertise over more than 20 years.


We consider new business by using the technologies, knowledge and network we have gained through resource development and conversion of waste into materials. We collaborate with and support companies aiming for circular business. This includes waste disposal cost reduction, flow building, provision of equipment, conversion of waste into materials and proposals on how to use recycled material use.

Resource Development

Industrial waste is a resource to us. We directly approach the sites where the waste that serves as that resource is generated (first mile). We then perform collection, transportation, sorting, crushing, compression and other processing. Our strength is that we can develop adequate resources to get the required material quality.